I spent last night and this morning finishing my cards for the 365 cards sketch week. Im really happy with the cards that i made. The first one is for card number 353- Audreys Sketch.
My second card is for card sketch number 355- Amys skeych. I made this into a 13x8 cm mini card, and sent it to a friend as an acceptance card. 
My third card was for card number 356- Sophies sketch. Butterflys are my big fave at the moment. I dont really make a lot of girlie scrapbook pages, so i like to make girlie cards when i get the chance. Alot happen to feature butterflys. 
My last card is vickis sketch- card number 367. This was another rsvp im sending to my Gram for an upcomming faimly reunion in May. 
I loved doing all this weeks challenges. A whole week of skethces. I love working from sketches, alot of fun.